I need a summary of the story of Palm Sunday? - summary of palm sunday
I can not find, or are too long or too short. Can someone me a good overview of the history of Palm Sunday? It would help me a lot, thanks!
I need a summary of the story of Palm Sunday? - summary of palm sunday
I can not find, or are too long or too short. Can someone me a good overview of the history of Palm Sunday? It would help me a lot, thanks!
This is a good summary.
So basically, the Jewish people are waiting for a savior * * Messiah come to save them. Jesus knew that this person was, so when he came to town, had a donkey, never mounted, perfect, ready for them and offers palm trees, and coats and dresses that he should leave the donkey special touch or soil, and also as a sign of them bowed before the king. Now we have to celebrate it because it came the day of the Messiah, and a week before his death on the cross.
Jesus would enter Jerusalem on a donkey, sent his disciples into the city to take. They brought him back layers and spead it to town. So that the amount collected on the street. He waved palm branches, throwing clothes on the road before him and shouted: "Hosanna!" Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord! "
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