Sunday, January 17, 2010

Richdel Sprinkler How To Remove Sprinkler Valve?

How to remove sprinkler valve? - richdel sprinkler

How can the valve irrigation richdel if they do not loosen up on the body, which occurs only at the place.


John A said...

If the valve itself went bad, then you really have without haveing to remove it can be replaced.
richdells today as Irritrol valves.
not so difficult to replace the courage and the tip of the valve.
If you find the same valve from the Internet or a scenery shop, you can simply remove and replace the old parts in the interior of the new valve, and replace the nozzle with magnet valve.
If you do not see the same type of valve, just dig a hole in Nice and cut the pipes and replumb it.
this is fairly simple. more space than you cut in the pipeline, the easier it will be.
But richdells now Irritrol.
Parties are the same, just a different label.
I've seen for a long richdells over 20 years, although
Good luck and I hope that helps

cromwell... said...

Valve wants to eliminate them or the sprinkler?

when the valve would have two pipes, both relax at the end of the threaded end of the valve,
When the irrigation of the same, then there must be a pipe in the shower (swing joint) just drag the whole body and screw (be careful to give all the watering, not only the best, you have to dig it

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