Does anyone else not see the need for 1080p? or blu-ray/HD DVD? Will they go the way of the first laser disc? - vhs dvd players finally, vhs through hdmi
I have a 720p projector that projects an 84 "screen.
I continue to see that these people think 1080p and 720p TV now, they are less than 50 years. "Frankly, I can see why.
I use an upscaling DVD and pictures to look good to me. My brother has a 62 "DLP 1080i and lightning Witha PS3 blue. There is a difference with Blu-ray, but not enough to get a new standard to pay $ 300 for a player twice for the discs and have little content available .
It seems that most people know it is still used in 36 "TVS.
I have about this format war, but it seems that no one really buys the product.
I wonder is whether Blu-Ray and HD-DVD like the old laser discs has grown up to be a niche on the DVD, is finally replaced VHS.
I think the biggest obstacle to the HD is the bandwidth required for the invitation. I started to watch the movies online via Netflix and love it. I can not imagine waiting to download an MPEG-4 HD ...
Yes, I see the need, and we continue to 1440p in the future!
Loss of brightness. High-definition LCD suffer slower latency pixels. Movign image resolution suffers much.
My advice to most of my clients and contacts to follow with very good quality 720p PDP-enabled devices. If you have more money and the desire for better quality, go with the new 1080p PDP, but I doubt you will be the difference between a 720 and seeing a device for 1080p.
As for the future of Blu-Ray vs. HD DVD. In time it will move to Blu-Ray. It is technically a better format, but the real reason that most studies have been made for the purpose. they believe that better security can (System Tho truth!) and is the top of their list of concerns.
You basically answered your question. We are in a "format" class struggle. With HD, the standard is from 2009 (I, ambient air) means that are struggling company. Both Blu Ray and HD DVD formats are viable, but do not think I feel that we are doing is the best device ... yet. My own is that you do with the image you today, I'll wait and see what happens, are satisfied.
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